My 6 Favorite Money Mindset Affirmations

money mindset affirmations

I first learned about money mindset affirmations from Louise Hay. But I was NOT an immediate convert.

She recommended reciting affirmations while looking at yourself in the mirror: two things I assiduously avoided for decades.

Yet something made me decide to give it a try.

At first, it was extremely hard to even sustain eye contact with myself, let alone AFFIRM myself.

Until…a few days in…I started to feel…better.

And a few weeks after that, I actually believed what I was saying.

Thus began my beautiful relationship with affirmations.

Shifting how I talk to myself about money has been a critical piece of my career transition out of corporate and into a business and life that is 100% me.

What Most People Get Wrong About Affirmations

For money mindset affirmations to work, you have to take action.

It's bonkers that "manifestation" has become such a woo woo buzzword, as if it's some magical unexplainable thing that just...happens.

Like, "Just sit on your couch and think really hard. The Universe will hear you..."

You can do a bajillion affirmations, but if you don’t also act in alignment, you’re not really affirming anything. You’re just hoping really hard.

You cannot THINK yourself into different results. You must couple your money mindset affirmations with action.

It’s through the routine of speaking and doing that affirmations meaningfully shift not just how you see the world, but how you walk through it…and what happens as a result.

My 6 Favorite Money Mindset Affirmations

  1. “I always have enough; in fact, I have more than I need."

    You cannot create MORE from a place of NOT ENOUGH.

    When the Scarcity Gremlins are chattering at me, I celebrate everything that’s brought me to this place, everything I’ve created already.

    Then I list all the surpluses I have: a full refrigerator, amazing people I get to work with, the investments I’ve made, the savings I’ve accumulated, my beautiful drawer of quality stationery, my abundant collection of white t-shirts, etc.

    Try it. You already have everything you need to be successful, however you define it. Remind yourself how you got here and all the resources at your disposal.

  2. “I can always create MORE.”

    One of the things I’m proudest of in life is that I’ve learned how to create money.

    I’m not reliant on any company for anything.

    If I want or need MORE, I can make it.

    There is no greater freedom or security to know that I’m my own source.

    Plus, I get to spend my time helping amazing humans who will in turn help others. There’s no greater abundance. It’s an ever-expanding source.

    How do YOU want to create more?

  3. “I attract money in interesting ways.”

    You’re already a money magnet. You just don’t realize it yet.

    So much of welcoming in abundance begins with awareness of how abundance flows to you now and how you want it to flow to you in the future.

    I find wads of cash on the street. I get random checks in the mail. I am surrounded by inspiring, generous people who trust me to help them get where they want to go.

    I believe I attract money in interesting ways, so I do.

    How do you attract abundance? How does money come to you?

  4. “I always figure out a way to invest in the things that are important to me.”

    I remember investing in my first real business coach.

    I’d made other big-ticket investments, but this was the first investment where I was truly banking on myself for the ROI.

    I remember feeling like an ABSOLUTE BOSS plopping that credit card down to pay in full, thinking, “Only someone who truly believes in themselves as a business owner invests this amount of money.”

    I invite you to bet on yourself and trust you’ll figure it out. Nothing says abundance like knowing you’re always a good investment.

  5. “Time is my most valuable asset.”

    Yes, I have big financial goals.

    But for me how I spend my TIME is the most important.

    I hated those years of long hours and hollow busy-ness working on stuff that did not matter. For a freakin’ bank. Ugh.

    The luxury of time is perhaps the thing I’m most grateful for.

    Whether I invest it in meaningful exchanges with people like you, daydreaming on my couch, or binge-watching “Bondi Rescue,” it’s about making sure my biggest time investments are working in alignment with my values and goals.

    Doing what I want when I want with whom I want is my definition of being “rich.”

    How do you spend your time? Invest wisely.

  6. “My best money moves have been prioritizing my happiness, health, and fulfillment.”

    A healthy money mindset begins with an abundance mindset.

    This year, I set a goal to truly prioritize my health, knowing that it would benefit my business and the people I serve.

    I wrote, “Health is my #1 priority. I go INWARD, focusing on peace, stability, and deep care. I’m less available – doing deeper work with the coachees I love most – and it pays dividends.

    People often associate “no” with scarcity.

    But saying “no” to opportunities is true abundance; it’s allowed me work with several people indefinitely as they continue to expand their career visions, helped other coaches grow their businesses, and given me time and space to do my own deep growth, healing, and self-care.

    Your turn. Instead of assuming you have to sacrifice earning potential to get the things you want—like happiness, fulfillment, and freedom—get curious about how those things can be the path to more income.

Take Your Money Mindset Affirmations To the Bank

Ready to manifest some serious career moves? Put those affirmations on paper—then put on your walking boots. Remember: money manifestation must be backed up with aligned action.

Remember to give yourself grace. Changing your money mindset is a practice.

I have completely changed how I think and feel about money. And I STILL have to periodically re-ground myself in these beliefs.

What are your favorite money mindset affirmations? What money beliefs still don’t feel true. Comment below, so we can make it happen.

Ready for a fulfilling career that pays?!

Check out my money mindset course: Easy Money: Master Your Money Mindset 👇


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Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want really is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading her free guide.