Your Career and the Hidden Cost of Inaction

hidden cost of inaction

What’s it costing you to stay in your current career? That’s the hidden cost of inaction.

People have strong beliefs about the amount of time, energy, and money they're willing to invest to change their career for the better.

But there’s a key calculation most fail to factor in: The cost of NOT taking action.

Consider what your current career is costing you

Here’s the hidden cost of inaction at work:

  • The dollar cost of limited growth potential and earning less than you deserve

  • The mental cost of feeling exhausted and drained

  • The psychological cost of feeling undervalued and stripped of confidence

  • The physical cost of lost sleep, stress, anxiety, and health issues

  • The emotional toll on your family and personal relationships

Now multiply these costs by every day you spend not investing in a better outcome.

That’s the real cost of an unfulfilling career. And the hidden cost of inaction.


I don’t know about you, but when I account for all the years I stayed in a mind-numbing, soul-crushing career simply for the paycheck, I come up with an alarming tab.

What’s the Price of Happiness?

The hidden cost of inaction goes way beyond our lifetime earning potential.

Yes, it’s true that you’ll earn more over time by switching jobs rather than staying where you are, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

I’m talking about our reluctance to invest in making a change even when we’re bored, unfulfilled, and stagnating.

Why are we so cheap when it comes to our own happiness?

When we invest in things, we often ask, “Is this worth it?” When we consider investing in ourselves, it becomes, “Am I worth it?”

For some, this question comes and goes without awareness.

But for many, the answer reveals a powerfully-destructive belief that your time, money, and energy will be wasted if you take a chance on yourself:

  • “It’s too late.”

  • “I’ll have to start over.”

  • “I’m afraid I’ll have to take a pay cut.”

  • “What if I fail?”

These thoughts focus on how investing in yourself won’t work—and keep you from taking action.

If you don’t believe in your ability to exponentially improve your life and career, no investment will be worth it.

When you believe in your personal power to improve your life, and recognize the ROI of your day-to-day happiness, the investment becomes a no-brainer.

Some might say it’s priceless.

What are your expenditures saying?

How we spend money and time reflects our beliefs, priorities, and values.

People that don’t believe in themselves invest in distractions, escapes, and quick fixes.

They spend tens of thousands on their children’s education but balk at spending “too much” on themselves. They’d buy a custom-made couch but wouldn’t invest that same amount in pursuing a custom-made career.

They don’t do the math that every day they operate from this place moves them further away from what they want.

This is the true hidden cost of inaction at work, my friend.

By contrast, people who believe in themselves make investments in their personal growth today that pay dividends for the rest of their lives—within their career and outside of it.

They invest whatever it takes. Then they DO whatever it takes. They know they’re meant for something greater...and they have the power to make it happen.

So, if you know you're meant for something greater in your career and believe in your power to improve it, I urge you to ask:

  • What’s it worth to have everything you want in your career?

  • What’s it costing you to not make a change?

The hidden cost of inaction adds up.

When it comes to your career, money mindset is 80% of the game

Did you know the journey to my own career change started with money mindset coaching?!

If you're ready to TAKE ACTION so you can be fulfilled, love what you do, and make an amazing income, check out my money mindset course. 👇

Ready for a career that matches who you are?

Grab the free guide: 4 Steps to Take Back Your Life and Design a Career with Purpose

Learn how to work through the right options for you and find opportunities you didn't even know were possible.

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a career coach and money mindset coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is truly possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading her free guide.