How To Change Your Money Mindset When You Feel Like You’re Behind

change your money mindset

Feel like you’re behind in your career, monetarily or otherwise? Today we’re talking about how to change your money mindset so you can welcome in all kinds of abundance.

I'm used to hearing all kinds of limiting beliefs about where people think they should be in their career by now.

Whether they're measuring by job title, income, or getting into the next Thing, the energy is: I'm behind where I'm supposed to be. I should be there by now.

Having some healthy yardsticks to measure progress towards what we want, monetarily or otherwise, can ground us in reality.

But marinating in the idea that we’re too far behind skews these measures and raises the stakes, leading us to take the entirely wrong action—or none at all.

Since our money mindset impacts more than money, it’s important that we see this limiting belief for what it is—a bunch of baloney.

Change Your Money Mindset In 3 Simple Steps

It’s easy to feel behind when we’re confronted daily with all the things other people seem to have that we do not. Thanks, social media.

We feel behind with our money goals, our career, our relationships.

It comes up in ways that we can't articulate except a general feeling of not measuring up or being "enough."

Feeling “behind” is insidious because it's arbitrary, vague, and feels permanent.

You're virtually guaranteed to not take empowered action from that place.

As a limiting belief, I give it a 10 out of 10! 😂

So here's a quick 3-step process to get your reframing juices flowing if this belief is cropping up for you:

1. Define.

Part of what makes these “too far behind” fears stick is that we allow them to be squishy blobs, which makes it impossible to plan.

Let’s define the desired outcome, so we can define a solution.

What does "caught up" look like? When you're exactly where you want to be, what will you be, do, and have?

If "catching up" is about money, like paying off loans, saving for a purchase, or earning a certain amount, what. is. the. number?

Supercharge this by tying your number to a goal:

  • “I want another 6 months of savings so I can…”

  • “I want to earn x so I can…”

If you feel like you'll never have or be enough, or are waiting to take action until you have more, define, define, define what those things actually look like.

2. Reframe.

Now that you know what you're going after, you can play with the reframe(s) that feel good:

“To feel like I'm caught up, I need 6 more months of savings, and I’m developing a plan for that."

There's rarely just a single limiting belief blocking our path.

So, if your reframe doesn't FEEL like you nailed it, you get to ask, "What's still in the way?" to uncover alllll the limiting beliefs and the reframes that feel energizing and expansive.

Reframe. Reframe. Reframe.

3. Bring Yourself Back To the Present.

Hopefully you’re starting to see how you can change your money mindset by taking a scary, towering, squishy fear and turning into something tangible you can actually address.

Now that you've defined and reframed, bring yourself back to what you can control today.

I tend to worry about the future.

You may ruminate about the past.

Neither is within your control. Neither helps you improve your circumstances.

Have I ever told you that one of my limiting money beliefs is "keep grinding because everything can be taken away in an instant?"

What a BEAUTIFUL limiting belief.

Do you see how it’s engineered to drain the joy, peace, and fun out of every milestone, every goal, every moment, ESPECIALLY when things are going well?

It yanks me out of what is to what possiblymaybecouldbethat’sreallybad.

The good news is that I've worked on this money belief for long enough that when it shows up, I can call BS fairly easily.

First, I bring myself back to the present by reminding myself of what’s actually true. What’s my reality right now vs what I fear about the future? Then I take action to reinforce the belief and get real-life data.

Check out these money mindset affirmations (and corresponding actions in italics).

5 Money Mindset Affirmations To Help You Stop Worrying About Money

  1. “I know my numbers and have a plan to achieve them." (Review your plan.)

  2. “I have enough money TODAY. Enjoy it." (This may result in spending more or just enjoying what you already have.)

  3. “I always figure out a way to invest in the things that are important to me.” (Write down examples of powerful investments of your time, energy, and money.)

  4. “My best moves have been prioritizing my happiness, health, and fulfillment over money.” (Write down examples of how these choices paid off monetarily and non-monetarily.)

  5. “Money flows to me easily and in interesting ways.” (Write down examples of where money has come easily to combat the “it has to be hard” lie.)

Then ask yourself, “What else can I do TODAY to help me get want I want?”

This puts you back in the driver’s seat.

You can either opt to change something OR remind yourself that you’re already taking the right steps.

(Check out My Favorite Money Mindset Affirmations)

You’re Exactly Where You Need To Be

Remind yourself that life, like the stock market, is a series of ups and downs.

Sometimes it’s pretty darn volatile, which is why it’s important to zoom out and pay more attention to the upward trend (and remember that nothing in life is guaranteed, so we might as well enjoy where we are).

“But, Caroline, I’ve been on a downward trend for x years.”

I hear you, and I know a little something about downward trends.

People ask when I knew I needed to make a career change. I cringe a little when I say, “From the beginning.” I let my fears control my career decisions for way too long.

The key is taking action once you know.

I wish I could tell you how long that is, but that part is up to you.

Fear and doubt is normal. But YOU control whether you give it the reins.

Give yourself a real shot at getting what you want by challenging the belief that you’re too far behind. It’s only true if you allow it to be.

It starts with learning how to change your money mindset.

Ready for a fulfilling career that pays?!

Check out my money mindset course: Easy Money: Master Your Money Mindset 👇


💸Check out these money mindset resources


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Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want really is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading her free guide.