What does it mean to design a career with purpose?
It's about intentionally shaping your career—whether you want to:
Upgrade your leadership, influence on strategic decisions, and pay
Leave your current job to pursue a different career
Carve out space for your passion or build out your side hustle
Find that elusive blend of work and life
Maybe you want all of the above. It's totally achievable.
We just need to figure out the right mix for you.
Check out these career success stories
I had a well-paying, good career in marketing and sales for a Fortune 500 company, but deep down I knew it just wasn’t what I was meant to do.
I tried hard for years to figure it out on my own but was just spinning in circles, not making progress.
Today, I am building my own consulting business providing financial services for small business owners. I get to pursue what interests me (both finance and helping others), while feeling confident this is the right path for me. I know I couldn’t have gotten here without coaching because I tried for so long on my own.
I continue to stay in touch with Caroline. When good things happen, I can’t wait to fill her in!
— Craig, Solopreneur, Financial leadership and consulting for small businesses at Dayton Profit Partners
Two years ago, I was about to collapse from exhaustion. My mental health was hanging by a thread.
As an INTJ woman, I’ve had a lot of disappointment with employers who did not understand my potential.
Today I’m doing work that I find more engaging and at my level. Most importantly, I have mental space for my family and creative endeavors. This is exactly the landing pad that I wanted for my career.
I continue to network, volunteer, engage in Arts education at the local and district level, and pursue my ultimate goal of being picked up by a legitimate publisher.
Thank you so much for helping me understand what I wanted out of my career.
— Theresa, Content Creator, Education Advocate, Project Accountant, and Mom to a Rambunctious 3-year old
Working with Caroline has been a life-changing experience for me. I no longer question what I want to do, or if I’m doing the right thing. I am now filled with confidence, drive, purpose and joy.
Caroline gave me the tools that I needed to make direct decisions in what I want for my life. She helped me to debunk my thoughts regarding what I should be doing and gave me permission to step outside of the norm and to carve out my own unique path.
I have officially resigned from teaching and am in the process of starting a small-scale cut flower farm. I started sowing seeds six months ago and now I am one week into selling my flowers.
I could not be more in love with what I am doing.
— Katrina, Owner, Peaceful Blooms
Last year, I was experiencing deep physical and mental pain from severe burnout, a high-pressure job, and a decade of desperately trying to “achieve” more and more in my career. I felt so deeply misaligned and unfulfilled.
I have since redefined my core beliefs around productivity, hard work, success and asking for help in a way that is much more powerful in propelling me forward toward what I really want.
I am also launching my dream business as a coach and community builder for others in the helping professions who feel they have drifted from the impact they hoped to have in the world and want to reconnect with their purpose.
A year ago, I would have thought feeling this good was impossible.
— Jordana, Coach and Community Builder
Just six months working with Caroline completely changed my life. I went from feeling trapped and burnt out working at what I originally thought was my dream job for a large company in tech to launching a fulfilling career in marketing and SEO, working on my own terms.
This new understanding of my needs, what kind of work interests me, and who I want to work with, has been incredibly empowering.
Looking back, Caroline didn’t just coach me—she helped me take ownership of my career and life. Thanks to her, I've not only found a career I love but I've also learned to trust my instincts and advocate for myself in ways I never thought possible.
— Sam, Marketing Strategist at CozyRank
I realized I want to be my own boss. And that I can be. So, I’m going through the yoga teacher training program, and I’m starting my own company.
I’m doing it on my own terms, and in my own way which is going to be pretty unique for my industry. And, I’ll be working from home – and working less.
[Caroline] is a fantastic career coach, but also an amazing therapist😊. In all seriousness, I never felt silly for being freaked out, scared, disorganized - you name it. Her approach always made me feel encouraged, and brave enough to keep pushing forward.
— Kristen, Founder, Employee Benefits Consulting
I suffered from severe stress, shattered confidence, and a deep sense of unfulfillment.
Caroline helped me take a deep dive into identifying and healing these aspects of myself and my career. She helped me understand how to celebrate my personality, foster a happy and healthy mindset, and activate tools and solutions when difficult situations arise.
I am now starting my own business as a logo designer! I am thrilled as this career path will allow me to exercise my creativity, give me freedom of time, and help business owners. Thank you again, Caroline! You’ve changed my life.
— Jackie, Business Owner + Logo Designer
I zeroed in on the sector that really motivates me, discovered the inner leader and entrepreneur that I could be, and realized that a route towards academia was more about ego rather than a true goal. I also was able to identify my strengths and motivations and challenge myself to pursue them.
I ended up accepting this exciting and interesting offer in a completely different kind of role and organization. I’m finally taking the professional leap I had sought out, thanks to Caroline’s excellent guidance and support.
— R.N., Fintech Start-up Founder
To say that my experience with Caroline was transformative would be an understatement.
Caroline's program provided a framework to unpack my negative feelings and better understand the thoughts that were driving them. It was like a key to a door that had been locked for years.
I feel like I have access to a nuclear-powered source of energy and drive. I feel more capable than I have in years…and I am in full beast mode!
I'm entering the later stages of my career with confidence and the anticipation of amazing things ahead! Thank you, Caroline, for helping me rediscover ME!
— Scott, Advertising Executive
Through our time together, I practiced advocating for myself in an authentic way and sticking to my boundaries, even when it was difficult to do so. Caroline’s program is well-designed, starting from creating a vision for yourself and ending with a plan that you can follow, even after your time together is over.
Caroline wasn’t only a coach -- she was also a confidant and a therapist. I trusted her to tell her my concerns, goals, and interests. I appreciated her honest feedback, and also her sense of humor!
I’m confident that our 7 months together will have a long-lasting effect on my career and life. Thank you so much for your support!
— Tammy, Product Marketing
If someone had told me when I first started working with Caroline that I'd have launched my own business in less than a year, I would have told that person that they're "cray-cray."
Without Caroline's guidance, I'm not sure I would have ever found the confidence to believe it was possible for me to create a job/life that I really want. And I know it would have been WAY harder for me to get past the negative mindset and bumps in the road that have deterred me from taking action in the past.
I'm so grateful to have had the chance to work with Caroline and can't say enough good things!
— Hannah, Business Owner
I have found a fresh, positive outlook, giving me the time to evaluate the new opportunities with an eye on my true aspirations rather than an escape from where I currently am.
Reflecting on my strengths and choices in the past Caroline helped me recognize that I have a combination of unique experiences that I can leverage. This renewed self realization together with a guided reflection on my interests helped me develop a range of opportunities I am currently exploring.
— Erik, Financial Services Managing Director
It’s crazy to think that we were able to accomplish everything I set out, but we did! I am now living in a new city and exploring a new career path and would not have been able to take those steps without Caroline’s help and guidance. I am reluctant to work with new people and Caroline was very mindful of my boundaries while still helping move the process forward. She never lost sight of what she knew I wanted to achieve.
Thank you for telling me to break the rules!…It’s important to remember that, in the grand scheme of things, not following the rules is usually what leads to the most change.
— Allie, Interior Design
Career coaching helped give me my confidence back. It gave me the opportunity to focus on myself for a change and establish what I really want from, not only my career, but my whole life.
Caroline is a great career coach. She listens to really understand. She is caring and kind and has supported me through some tough times. She helped me to focus when I needed it the most. She is so easy to get along with and really helps you celebrate your achievements. I don’t just consider Caroline my career coach, I truly consider her a friend and I am looking forward to staying in touch with her in the future!
— Emma, UX Team Lead
Caroline helped me discover what I want out of my career and set me on the path to design my life with intention. She helped me paint the grand picture while also keeping practical considerations in mind. Our time together was impactful and always left me feeling grounded in my purpose.
I truly feel excited to go to work. My values are met here. I feel challenged and I'm expected to act like an owner, which meets much of my desire for entrepreneurial spirit.
— Ben, Regulatory Strategy & Operations Manager
Ready for a career that matches who you are?
Grab the free guide: 4 Steps to Take Back Your Life and Design a Career with Purpose
Learn how to work through the right options for you and find opportunities you didn't even know were possible.

Want more career inspiration?
I was feeling over-burdened, dull, and caught in a cycle that was more “rinse and repeat” than “Ooh- I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.” I knew it was completely in my power to make changes and to create a lighter, expansive life but I needed help. Caroline to the rescue!
As we worked together, I realized that I was living not for what I wanted but for fulfilling the expectations of others - or at least my perception of their expectations- expectations of society, of family, of work. The scorecard that I was measuring myself on was not the right one. The “scorecard” that matters is uniquely mine and needs to reflect what is important to me at this time in my life.
Caroline and I worked on discovering what was really important to me and I am learning to let go of the expectations of others.
My life is now defined by RAINBOW Living - a life of FUN, variety, spontaneity, adventure, new experiences, and growth. RAINBOW Living is my new north star - as I make decisions, I think about whether or not they fit into the RAINBOW- each step - will it bring me joy, laughter, and all the other aspects of my internal scorecard?
Caroline helped me reach a place where I can focus on my values and let go of those things that do not resonate.
With RAINBOW Living as my guide, my next chapter in life looks exciting, thrilling, and I can’t wait to see it unfold.
Caroline has been such a support and integral part of this journey for me - THANK YOU!
— Carole P, Health Technology Senior Executive
I wanted to let you know that I accepted my dream job as COO of [start-up food & travel magazine]. I am honestly so excited!!! The doors this opportunity will open are immense. Plus I know now that I'm absolutely capable of making career changes. Thank you so much for all that you did through this entire process Caroline. You were instrumental in my progress and success. That call where I was nervous and down was an absolute turning point for me. Your enthusiasm, support, and insights inspired me and got me back on track. Thank you.
— Kristy W, COO, International Food & Travel magazine
Caroline was instrumental to my progress and success. She helped me cultivate the confidence to navigate my career change, and really refine and tune the process of getting there. Thanks to her, I've landed a great opportunity - which I would have never considered had it not been for her encouragement. I look forward to working with her again, and highly recommend her as a career coach!
— Noor M, Head of Commercial Development, Social Enterprise
I highly recommend Caroline as a career coach! She and I had some interesting, thought-provoking & eye-opening conversations when I was feeling stymied by my job search.
I wanted to transition to something different, after a hiatus from work. She helped me identify and consider my criteria for a better-fitting role and workplace than I’d had in the past. (That might seem like something we should all know about ourselves, but I wasn’t sure; I’d often made salary and “security” my top priorities — and then hoped for the best.)
Caroline helped me, in a step-by-step way, examine my real needs. With understanding, humor, and insight, she encouraged me to go after “different” and offered tips for *how* to do that. I just started a new job that fits my new criteria and will be better fit for me. Let her help you, too!
— Karen L, Project Coordinator
When I met Caroline, I was on the verge of burn out. I didn't feel broadly respected at my current job and was trying to decide whether I would be satisfied moving to a similar role at a competing organization or whether I needed a career overhaul.
I reached out for help with my next career step but have uncovered so much more. I realized I was so focused on achieving and being valuable to others, I'd lost touch with my true interests and a deep understanding of the kind of work that would make me happy.
Caroline and I started peeling back the layers. Now, I work less and am allowing more of my full self shine through. I have taken back my mornings, negotiated a part-time schedule, and am prioritizing my own health and well-being. I'm loosening my grip on my perfectionistic tendencies. Perhaps most importantly, I've learned that I don't have to settle for a job that tips the balance into the negative.
— Katie D, Compassionate Field General
As a new mom, I was struggling to balance my personal and professional goals and had resigned myself to the fact that it would just not be possible to be successful in both areas. Caroline challenged me to think outside the box and beyond my self-imposed constraints to clearly define my career goals and implement a strategy to achieve them. Caroline takes the time to understand individuals' needs and motivations before setting forth a plan. She celebrates the uniqueness and individuality of each of her clients--it's definitely not a "one size fits all" approach. She will not only set in motion a plan to optimize your career goals but will also be there cheering you on to the finish line.
— Taaryn H, Vice President, Major Financial Services Institution
Caroline is an amazing and perceptive career coach – she has the ability to hone in on your personal reservations and gently guide you to changing your perception of them. Under Caroline's guidance I was able to move past mental hang-up's as we worked together to come up with ideas to help me build my network in a more personal way. She is genuine and passionate about her work and her desire for you to succeed is evident. My experience with Caroline made me feel enthusiastic about my career pivot and helped me gain trust in myself to try new things. She is a really great career coach who has found her forte.
— Sam K, Creative Strategist
I worked with Caroline to get clarity on how to position myself for new opportunities. Caroline helped me uncover and succinctly articulate the type of work I want to pursue as well as the unique angle I bring. The work we did brought me confidence and clarity, and helps me quickly encapsulate what I'm about when I network. I've gotten great feedback, and am pursuing several paths as a result.
— Mousumi B, Business Strategist and Meditation Teacher
When I was confused about the direction of my new business and procrastinating about taking the initial steps to launch it, Caroline helped me identify the obstacles that were blocking me and inspired me to take far more substantial action than I had imagined was possible at the time. But Caroline is more than just an outstanding career coach. She brings a level of intelligence and intuition to our conversations that few can match. When I speak with her, I feel like I'm talking to my best self. Likewise, when I'm carrying out the work I map out in our meetings, her challenges and encouragement remain with me, which makes holding myself accountable vastly easier (and more fun) than I have found it to be in the past. As a fellow coach, I hold Caroline in the highest regard and could not recommend her more enthusiastically.
— Brian R, Founder & Leadership Coach, Against the Grain Coaching
With too many pressing priorities, I had neglected spending time to just "be." By not taking time for me, I wasn't able to fully enjoy all the accomplishments I was making elsewhere in my life. Caroline helped me come up with a realistic plan that made me feel at ease and got me on a steady path to finding time to relax and do the things I love. She listens beyond just the words to help uncover and tackle the limitations people put on themselves that get in the way of living the lives they want.
— Ada R, Senior Vice President, Major Financial Services Institution
I truly enjoyed working with Caroline. She empowers you from Day One; it is a beautiful feeling and really sets the tone in the relationship. She operates with integrity and honesty: she means what she says and she says what she means. She is precise in her ability to understand, synthesize and recap what you think and say.
Before I met Caroline, I knew very little about Energy Leadership. The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment results definitely enhanced my self-awareness of how energy lives within me and manifests in how I view and react to the world. I learned that there is an energetic consequence to my thoughts and feelings and that the words I use often represent how I think or feel about actions, things or people.
— AJ S, Self-employed business consultant with corporate experience in Educational and Management Consulting
Caroline is one of those people you wish you had met earlier in your career. I had the pleasure of working for Caroline a short while ago, and now am fortunate to have her as a career coach, mentor and friend. Caroline has been instrumental in helping me consider a variety of factors when navigating decisions concerning my career. Her probing techniques have helped me focus on what my career path should be (or what I want it to be), regardless of where my path is taking me today, an important distinction many of us forget as we pursue established goals. I am very lucky to have Caroline in my corner, she comes highly recommended by me.
— Bradley L, Senior Vice President, Major Financial Services Institution
When I met with Caroline, my biggest challenge was devoting enough time to my own business given other personal and professional obligations. I walked away from our first session with a clear strategy that I know I can stick to. Caroline helped me understand the root of the problem and asked questions that ultimately led to an awareness of the inner obstacles that were holding me back. The benefit went far beyond our 60 minutes together--from the pre-session homework to the post-session follow ups, Caroline personalized the session to best fit my needs. If you have goals that might seem out of reach, or just want to be more successful in your career, a conversation with Caroline is a fantastic starting point. Be prepared to walk away with a solid plan and strategy to stay accountable that will make a huge difference.
— Yang B, Founder, CollegeP2P, Inc.
I connected with Caroline as my career coach just as I was in career transition and not really clear what was next for me. After facilitating me through some Leadership assessments, we were then able focus on my desires, strengths, opportunities, blockers and importantly how to manage my energy levels to enable me to stay in flow. As a result of our work together I was able to secure a new senior IT position as well as re-engineering the shape of my own coaching business. Caroline is focused, challenging, enthusiastic, fun and she helps you to get results. I highly recommend her to other leaders and professionals who need to step forward in their career and life.
— Donovan G, Freelance IT Professional
International corporate environments can sometimes be challenging to navigate, and it is critical to not let the variety of options overpower your personal career vision and goals. Caroline is an outstanding advisor. She helped me succeed by learning and practicing prioritization and negotiation strategies, self-marketing, work/life balance and emotional intelligence. It's hard to imagine a better solution for professional development than career planning with Caroline.
— Alexandra M, Vice President, Major Financial Services Institution
Caroline is a stellar coach who is attentive, articulate, and engaged. I was immediately put at ease when she walked me through an Energy Leadership Report with her approachable style and kind demeanor. She led me through the assessment which provided me with great insight on, and awareness to, how I "show up" in life and how I can take positive action going forward. I would recommend her to any potential client without hesitation.
— Jennifer R, Advisory Recruiting Director, Major Global Professional Services Firm
I was feeling overwhelmed in my current job due to a heavy workload and long hours. When I had searched for a job in the past, the intensity of working during the day and conducting a job search in the evenings left me feeling fatigued and unmotivated. Caroline helped me find the confidence I needed to begin the job search, and we developed a plan to balance time spent on the job search with time for myself. I now feel happier and more relaxed on the drive home from work, knowing that I will spend time doing activities I love. I have also changed my attitude: while the job search takes work, it is a way to better my life. Caroline was very considerate, compassionate, and action-oriented. She has excellent communication skills and is incredibly focused. I would highly recommend Caroline to others who need help with their career goals. Much thanks to Caroline for her insight, encouragement, and follow up.
— Pietrina P, Rehabilitation Counselor, Center for Sight and Hearing
I have had the honor of working with Caroline Adams - an organized, compassionate and encouraging coach. When we first began working together, I was having difficulty establishing a routine to prioritize key tasks for my business and personal well-being. Caroline helped me find solutions and develop a deeper and broader understanding of myself. She is talented at creating action plans and strategies based on goals and values deftly uncovered in sessions. If you are looking for a career coach to move your business and your life forward and achieve real, sustainable growth in a relatively short amount of time, I can confidently and assuredly recommend Caroline Adams.
— Jann J, Certified Life and Transition Coach
Working with Caroline has taken me from a place of doubt to confidence in my next steps as life coach. As we worked together, Caroline brought powerful questions, encouragement and a gift for getting to the heart of what was keeping me stuck. I came away with a vision that excited me, a plan to act on, and most importantly courage to use my strengths and passion as I pursue my hopes and vision. Caroline put me at ease, was upbeat, and helped me put my best foot forward.
— Bernardine E, Founder & Coach, Best Foot Forward
I worked with Caroline to figure out the next steps in my career. My company was going through some changes, and I wanted to be well-positioned for the changes as well as take a more proactive approach for my next career move--whether it was a career change or more of a career pivot. Before meeting Caroline, I hadn't invested sufficient time to assess my environment and my own skill set to make sure I was doing the right thing for my career. Caroline gave me practical techniques to get my current work situation under control and coached me through the steps to define where I wanted to go in the future. I liked her methodical approach that forced me to dig deeper to assess my unique strengths and abilities, then connect them to potential opportunities that would be a good match.
— Rosemarie F, Senior Vice President, Major Financial Services Institution
Caroline was great to work with. During our coaching sessions, she listened beyond the words for what I was really saying and what I was usually struggling with. Her encouragement, nudges and helping me re-learn trusting my own instincts was invaluable.
— Jackie Y, Director of Advocacy and Civic Engagement
I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you. I am consistently amazed at how you are able to pick up on things in my words, tone, and energy levels to help me quickly hone in on the root of those fears, anxieties, or mental barriers. You are amazing!
Had my first couple of reach out conversations today after several weeks of putting it off due to my own fears both of failure and success. So excited to have done this and seen for myself exactly what [you’ve] described. People are so willing to help! I am amazed at the doors that are opening so quickly from these conversations...and still a little scared that this could all become real. So cool!
— Elizabeth T, Operations Director, Federal Government Agency
Ready to be a success story?
Check out my 4-step Careers with Purpose program and apply for a complimentary strategy session today.
We came up with an idea to help me build my network in a more personal way. First, let me give a shout out and say Caroline is ah-ma-zing, I walked away with better clarity and enthusiasm after I’d been floundering in doubts.
— Sam K.
Today I learned that the law school has recently created a podcast studio, which seems eerily in line with what we discussed last time we talked. So far I’m feeling good about this position and just trying to focus on taking it one day at a time. Thanks for your guidance and encouragement in helping me make this much-needed change.
— Casey G.
My proudest moment is that morning with you when I said yes to taking a proactive step making my career and life more fulfilling and going after what I truly deserve.
My biggest takeaway is that I’m good at more things than I thought I was. I have a skillset and passion that people actually appreciate and find useful. I think turning my passions and skills into a career and life that truly allows me to reach my full potential is possible.
— Brent M.
If you made it this far, we need to TALK!
Read more about my Careers with Purpose program to see if it’s the right next step for you.

This was my first time committing to career coaching (I was holding some cynicism about whether it was ‘for me’) and I can describe my coaching experience as life-changing.
Caroline has a rare mix of deep industry experience and laser-like emotional intelligence. She is highly present, insightful, not afraid to go deep, excellent on follow through, and works her butt off to get you where you want to go. I highly recommend her (and coaching in general - yep, I’m a convert). Wishing you all a year of growth and saying yes to what you really want.
— Sarah, Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence