Imagining New Possibilities & Taming the Self-doubt


If someone had told me when I first started working with Caroline that I'd have launched my own business in less than a year, I would have told that person that they're "cray-cray." I would have never thought that would be possible for me.

I started working with Caroline at one of the unhappiest points in my life and knew I needed help "figuring my life out," which honestly to me meant finding a new 9-5 job that brought me more joy, and a bit more money. But over the course of the 9 months we worked together, Caroline helped me think beyond just what I wanted out of a 9-5 job, to think about what I wanted my LIFE to look like.

It was through these explorations that Caroline got me to ask myself a question I'd never considered before: do I even want a 9-5 job?

The answer ended up being "no, I actually don't want that at all." For the first time EVER, I started imagining what it would be like to run my very own business, which was exciting and terrifying and stressful.

It didn't take my brain long to come up with 436 new doubts and concerns, which haven't completely gone away, but Caroline helped me figure out how to tame those voices in my head and to become more tolerant of them (they barely phase me anymore!) This is a huge accomplishment for a "chronic self-doubter."

Without Caroline's guidance, I'm not sure I would have ever found the confidence to believe it was possible for me to create a job/life that I really want. And I know it would have been WAY harder for me to get past the negative mindset and bumps in the road that have deterred me from taking action in the past. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to work with Caroline and can't say enough good things!

— Hannah, Business Owner, Eco-friendly Event Planning
