From ‘Drift Mode’ and Ambivalence To Clarity, Confidence, and Embodied Leadership


When I first came to Caroline, I had just passed a series of big life and career milestones that were weighing on me. Action has never been a problem for me, but my career felt like it was in drift mode — and I had no idea where to point my arrow. I was convinced that work was a series of either/or trade-offs. I believed I needed to exhaust myself by being constantly driven and productive, while having the creative and reflective parts of myself slowly wither away. Many elements of my work were in my ‘ambivalence zone’ (not terribly toxic, but not thriving either).

As a first step in our coaching, Caroline helped me develop a much sharper understanding of what I want and don't want.

She’s guided me to step out of the helper role to a place of embodied leadership, where I feel the confidence to put my career and priorities first.

I started to see the ways I’ve been limiting myself through the belief that I needed to figure everything out on my own (yep, I did the frenzied internet job search too). In shifting to a growth mindset, I’ve discovered that people naturally want to help me, which has greatly accelerated my progress on projects and in networking.

The insights I’ve gained with Caroline ranged from highly practical actions to deeply personal insights. She provided the safe place I needed to share all my fears, feel seen, and then craft wild ideas of what I can achieve and who I can be at my best.

Practically speaking, I am well on my way to a very different career trajectory.

I have cultivated a whole new range of speaking, leadership and facilitation opportunities in line with my interests. I also feel confidence in networking in my industry with a clear story and vision of who I am and the value I bring.

Caroline has helped me to apply so many of the skills I excel at in my professional life (visioning, strategic planning) to my own journey. I've found new ways of balancing my energy and time so that my creative sides can flourish in harmony with my business interests.

I believe the work I’ve done with Caroline will echo through my career and life for a long time to come.

I still return to my coaching session notes and have ‘OMG now that makes sense’ insights. I deeply appreciate her patience, wisdom, and willingness to navigate this transition with me with grace and humor.

Thank you.

— Sarah, Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence, Major Global Tech Company
