Designing My Life with Intention

Caroline helped me discover what I want out of my career and set me on the path to design my life with intention. She helped me paint the grand picture while also keeping practical considerations in mind. Our time together was impactful and always left me feeling grounded in my purpose.

When we first started working together, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay on my current trajectory and shoot for a long term director role at my firm. There was a quiet voice in my head trying to tell me something and I wasn’t sure what it was. Working with Caroline, I was able to tune into that voice and listen to what I really wanted. I’m now happily in a new career and I’m living my most authentic life!

The autonomy, scale, and the impact I have had in this role are far and above [my former company]. I truly feel excited to go to work. My values are met here. I feel challenged and I'm expected to act like an owner, which meets much of my desire for entrepreneurial spirit. I'm grateful that you helped me uncover those unmet needs and examine if this was the right place for me - it was!!

No matter what, this is the most impactful and fulfilling work I've ever done and I won't regret coming here…

If you’re considering working with Caroline, I would offer this: we work with professionals to help us all the time — doctors, lawyers, accountants, drivers, cleaners, trainers, and so on — why *wouldn’t* we engage with a professional on something as important as our career? If you’re thinking about it, pull the trigger and get started!

— Ben, Regulatory Strategy & Operations Manager, Large Consumer Technology Company
