Stuck in a career rut? What to do when you feel limited by the job titles and career paths you're seeing.

stuck in a career rut?

Are you stuck in a career rut?

Are you interested in exploring your career options…but not sure what they are or how to find them?

Do you feel limited by the job titles and career paths you’re seeing?

Are you afraid that changing careers means starting over and giving up the things you like about your current job?

If this sounds familiar, you’ll want to hear Leah’s career change success story: where she realized her career and life weren't about *finding* an existing path but *creating* her own.

If you've ever wondered why I talk about creating opportunities versus finding a job, this is why.

As a Graphic Designer, Leah never really had to look hard for work; there was always another opportunity around the corner. She'd built really solid relationships. She was well-paid. She'd won awards!

But she always felt like something was missing, like something wasn't right.

Raise your hand if you've been there. 🙋‍♀️

I sat down with Leah to discuss her transformation from life as a Graphic Designer to a Professional Artist. But it's not as black and white as you might think!

In fact, Leah's journey is all about shedding job titles, labels, and expectations (others' and her own!)

You’ll learn:

  • Her brilliant transition strategy that allows her to make money *and* give herself the creative space she needs (I wish more people did this!)

  • How keeping the elements of graphic design she enjoys have led to possibilities she couldn't have imagined with her art (Yes, and...anyone?)

  • The “mega shift” she’s made from “self-admitted Pessimist” to having a daily sense of optimism and possibility (career change is about so much more than your career!)

Stuck In a Career Rut Highlights:

2:05 Leah’s breakthrough moment.

6:10 The elements that were destroying her mental and physical health.

8:21 Leah's realization about fear-based voices.

9:00 Leah’s career rut “mega shift”: from pessimism and negativity bias to an enduring sense of optimism.

10:16 How Leah limits the work elements she doesn’t like and chooses what to say yes or no to.

12:49 How setting clear expectations and boundaries has led to new unexpected synergies.

14:02 Leah’s shift from laying out "all the steps" to a much more empowering and aligned perspective of creating the career and life she wants every single day.

15:40 Moving away from the “shoulds” to stepping into true creativity and freedom.

18:07 How she balances her work between structure and exploration, outcomes and play.

19:44 Moving away from binary thinking about career Option A versus Option B to combining the career elements she wanted in a unique new way.

21:48 How she stays laser-focused on the most important work—and frees herself from others' expectations and other distractions.


Most people stuck in a career rut approach their career change like a job search. They treat their options like a series of trade-offs. Then they look at the obvious options and choose the best of a bad bunch.

Then they wonder why it still feels like something’s missing.

Life is too precious--and we're too multi-faceted--to fit ourselves into someone else's way of doing things.

If you’re ready to shed the labels, reconnect with who you are at your best, and create your own unique path, take the first step and download my free 4-step roadmap.

Feeling stuck in a career rut? You have more career options than you think.


Instagram (for art):

Deep Time Press: A collaborative publishing website with her husband, Justin James King: follow

Graphic design portfolio:


Check out my 1-on-1 coaching program and apply for a complimentary strategy session

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is truly possible. Take the first step by downloading your FREE 4-step career roadmap.