Struggling To Reframe Your Limiting Beliefs? Try This.
I'm always going on and on about reframing your limiting beliefs.
I shared one of my favorite reframing tools here: the 3 P's of Positive Psychology.
But when you've been telling yourself the same disempowering story for years, or even decades, reframing can be easier said than done.
So here's a trick when you're struggling to challenge a belief that's holding you back:
"I can think of this differently."
One of the biggest challenges when we're trying to change deep-seated beliefs is coming up with a reframe that actually FEELS TRUE.
When we don't get it right, our reframes ring hollow. And trying to make a thought artificially "positive" is just going to reinforce the limiting belief.
...AND make us FEEL even worse in the process.
Taking a belief like, "I don't feel like my skills are valuable" and simply flipping it to, "I feel like my skills are valuable!" isn't actually reframing if you don't believe it.
So if you find yourself unable to reframe the limiting belief, begin with the idea that your current belief ISN'T the only way to think about it.
"I can think of this differently" creates a wedge of daylight to shine on that dark, unchallenged belief. It reminds you that you can CHOOSE how you think about your circumstances — is the wall truly insurmountable or is there an open door?
You don't even have to come up with a specific reframe.
It's about first acknowledging what you’re feeling AND that there COULD be other ways to think about it. Even if you can't see it yet.
So freeing, right?!
Maybe this gives you space to brainstorm other potential perspectives: “This feels true, but how true is it? What are some other ways to think about this?”
“I don’t feel like my skills are valuable, but people sure ask me for a lot of help with [x],” “I don’t feel like my skills are valuable, but I don’t really have any external evidence for that. How might I get some?” “If I saw these skills and strengths in others, would I value them?”
Maybe it motivates you to talk with a colleague or loved one that has the opposite belief.
(When I get stuck, I love calling up friends whose philosophies about money and work are completely foreign to me. Even if I'm thinking, "HoW dO You LiVe tHis waY?!" 😂)
Or maybe it's enough to FEEL the FEELINGS and just sit with the knowledge that are different options to be uncovered at a later time.
It's up to you.
Marinating in thoughts of anxiety or inadequacy or self-doubt is a HABIT.
So the best thing you can do is COMMIT to breaking the pattern.
And when you can't immediately shift a disempowering thought, CHOOSE to remind yourself that your current perspective is one of many.
If you’re struggling to reframe your limiting beliefs, give it a go: "I can think of this differently."
Author Bio:
Before becoming a coach, Caroline had a successful career in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go in their careers.
Caroline wants you to recognize how much power you have to define your career. Take the first step by downloading your free 4-step career roadmap.