"Is the Career I Want Even Possible?"

is the career I want even possible

What's the most important phase of career change?

It's the phase where you see your vision, get a glimpse of what’s possible, and then notice how different that future state is from your current reality.

(It's also the hardest phase, IMO.)

I call it The Gap.

And, I'm not going to lie, as an impatient person with Maximizer and Futuristic strengths--always seeing the next level and how things can be even better--I spend a lot of time in The Gap.

It's a hard place to inhabit.

The beauty is that you see this big, beautiful future.

The challenge is exactly how and when it's going to unfold...And what the heck to do with yourself in the meantime.

A friend shared a beautiful metaphor with me that I find so helpful when I'm feeling the pressure and impatience of The Gap...

Imagine you're taking a step in the dark. The moment when your foot is in the air before it touches the ground is the most unnerving.

Isn't that beautiful???

The scariest, most anxiety-inducing part is that last little bit before you land.

It so beautifully illustrates how small The Gap actually is--it's just the tiny distance between your foot and the ground.

It reminds us of the nature of the career journey--a string of steps and gaps to close.

"That's great, Caroline, but how do I survive The Gap when I'm in it???"

Maybe start by not focusing on The Gap. 😉

And stop looking at it as something bad to get through as quickly as possible and instead savor the beautiful possibilities.

As another friend says, "The Gap is where all the mystery and magic lies."

Remind yourself why you started this journey, keep your eye on the prize, and create each moment NOW as if you're the version of yourself you expect to be when you get that prize.

Ask yourself: What would I do differently now if I already had what I wanted?

My answer is usually something like "I'd chill the F out," a reminder that maybe the best way to spend the gap is to chill the F out rather than sit around being anxious, worried, and impatient.  

And beware people that suggest The Gap is some ominous sign. Instead, I invite you to view this spaciousness as a signal that you're onto something good. 

Surround yourself with people who encourage you to pursue your big career dreams rather than guilt or shame you for having them.

Most importantly:

  • Do not give up

  • Do not settle for less

I was sharing with a friend last week an example of The Gap:

I wrote a blog post that was the best I could possibly write on that day. The very next day, I knew I could write that same post even better.

It was...frustrating...to have something in the world that wasn't as "good" as I wanted it to be.

But I could only be better the next day because I'd written the slightly-less-good blog post the day before.

It's really easy from where we are today to criticize the steps we took (or didn’t), the wrong turns, the cringy art we made yesterday.

But without them, we wouldn't be HERE, closer to putting our foot down and closing the current gap.

The Gap is where the transformation you need to reach your goals takes place.

I know I bang on about mindset; and it truly is a critical piece.

But to navigate The Gap, you must also take action.

It's only through action that we develop confidence, that we reinforce the belief in our vision and in our ability to achieve it.

I'm in a period of transformation in my business and life right now (Have I ever not been in a period of transformation?! I'm telling you, career change is NOT a destination).

I've been listening to a particular song on my daily walks. It immediately transports me to a place where I'm fully in control of my life. Everything shifts.

In this world, I'm sitting in a swivel-y space chair (as you do). I have screens and control panels all around me. I have all the information I need, all the controls. I see myself from all angles, effortlessly creating in the future everything I want now.

When I listen to this song, when I inhabit that place, The Gap doesn't exist. 

Everything you want is right in front of you.

Take a listen, close your eyes, and visualize your career transformation. 

Then email me and tell me what you see.

Does your vision scare the crap out of you? Need help navigating The Gap? Grab the roadmap that gives you the confidence, clarity, and concrete steps to get there: 4 Steps To Take Back Your Life and Design a Career with Purpose

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is truly possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading her free guide.