“Do I Need an Elevator Pitch To Network?”

You don’t need an elevator pitch to network

You don't need an elevator pitch to network! Elevator pitches are awkward, sales-y, and don't actually work.

Yet there's this pervasive idea out there that you need an elevator pitch in order to network.

In fact, you want to take the opposite approach if you're looking to have natural, effective networking conversations that lead to real opportunities.

Watch the video to learn the 3 ways elevator pitches actually work against you AND 1 simple formula to use instead.

You Don’t Need An Elevator Pitch To Network!

Seriously. We've all sat in a circle somewhere and practiced our pitch.

At best, it's word salad.

At worst, it muddies your message and feels terrible for everyone involved.

Maybe you’ve fumbled through using an elevator pitch in real life—trying to remember how it goes without sounding canned yet feeling so disconnected from it!

Elevator pitches are so dumb (technical coaching term).

The people that say you need an elevator pitch aren’t actually good at building relationships.

They’re good at selling you.

And they’re trying to teach you to sell others.

Which is the energy we don’t want.

Ditch the Elevator Pitch

Think of a time when someone has pitched you, and how it felt to be on that side of it.

Those generic emails, DMs, or connection requests that just seem off, where people claim to love everything about you (yet somehow don’t know you at all), then immediately try to sell you something or ask for a favor—don’t do this!!

Terrible networking advice—like elevator pitches—drives me crazy because it keeps amazing, talented, articulate people like you from having powerful conversations with the people who can help you GET the career opportunities you WANT.

If you're delaying your networking conversations because you don't have a slick, polished intro or aren't yet clear on exactly what you want, watch the video above to learn how to have an authentic, human conversation.

“Do I Need an Elevator Pitch To Network?” No!

Building relationships (genuinely and authentically) is one of those career-changing skills.

It’s the BEST way to find career opportunities, connect with potential clients and partners, and build a team of supportive like-minded people that help you grow and thrive.

It’s pretty easy to master once you stop listening to all the terrible advice.

Take it from a super-introvert. I went from a Never-Networker to someone who looks forward to building relationships.

If you liked the formula I shared in the video, I have another one that will help you make your conversations more effective while staying 100% authentic. Check out the 3 components of effective networking conversations .

If you’re ready to build the relationships that will lead you to the next career opportunity—and help you succeed once you get there—check out my 6-week career change group coaching course.

Until then, remember: you don’t need an elevator pitch to network!

Ready to turn your conversations into REAL career opportunities?! 

Join me—and an amazing group of inspiring career changers—for a powerful 6-week career coaching experience:

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is truly possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading her free 4-step career roadmap.